Grant support for the mobility of Staff

Staff will receive a EU grant as a contribution to their costs of travel  and subsistence during the period abroad as follows:




Rule of Allocation



(Unit costs)

Contribution to the travel cost of participants from their place of origin to the venue of their activity and return

For travel distances:

-          between 100  and  499 km:  180 EUR per participant

-          Between 500 and 1999 km: 275 EUR per participant

-          Between 2000 and 2999 km: 360 EUR per participant

-          Between 3000 and 4999 km: 530 EUR per participant

-          Between 5000 and 7999 km: 830 EUR per participant

-          8000 km and more: 1100 EUR per participant


Based on the travel distance per participant that must be calculated for a one-way travel using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission

Individual support


(Unit costs)

Costs directly linked to the costs of subsistence of the participant during the activity

Up to the 14th day of activity: A1.1 per day per participant


Between the 15th day to the 60th day: 70% of the A1.1 per day per participants


Based on the duration of the stay per participant (including also one day travel before the activity and one day travel after the activity)


For the individual support of participants the amount will depend on the receiving country:


Staff from programme countries

Staff from partner countries

Receiving countries

Min-Max (per day)

Amount (per day)




Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, United-Kingdom



Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Romania, Finland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey



Germany, Spain, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

60- 120


Estonia, Lithuania, Croatia, Slovenia



Partner countries


Not eligible